Course curriculum

    1. How To Download, Sign, and Upload Your Student Contract and Payment Agreement

    2. Student Contract and Payment Agreement Assginment

    1. Welcome from Dr. Annie Green, MD, MPH

    1. Opening Remarks From Dr. Annie Green, MD, MPH

    2. Type 1 - Direct Service Connection

    3. Type 2 - Presumptive Service Connection

    4. Type 2a - Presumptive Service Connection Conditions

    5. Type 3 - Aggravation of Preexisting Conditions

    6. Type 4 - Secondary Service Connection

    7. Type 5 - Disability Caused By VA Service Connection (Title 38 USC 1151)

    8. Type 6 - Congenital, Developmental or Hereditary Service Connection

    1. Levels of Percentage Ratings

    2. Title 38 CFR Part 4 Subpart B Condensed and Expanded

    1. Total Disability Based On Individual Unemployability (TDIU)

    1. VA Decision Cover Letter Explained

    2. VA Denial Decision Document Explained

    3. Tools of Your Legal Argument 38 CFR, M21-1 and Evidence (Primary & Secondary)

About this course

  • $775.00
  • 27 lessons
  • 11 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today